This Month's Indie App Progress: Expenses, Bug Squashing, and a Backend Switch
Hey everyone,
I'm back with an update on my indie app! I apologise for missing last month's post – my full-time projects got a bit hectic and ate into my indie development time more than expected.
The good news: progress is happening! This month, I focused on core app functionality: adding expenses and managing expense categories. While it's not quite as much as I'd hoped for, it's a solid foundation.
To ensure a smooth user experience, I've been using the app for my own expense tracking. This led to uncovering a sneaky bug in the month-to-month rollover feature – got that squashed though!
Backend Upgrade: PocketBase Steps In
I've also been rethinking the app's backend. To avoid having all the logic solely in the database and frontend, I explored some alternative solutions.
In the end, PocketBase won the battle against Supabase. The deciding factor? PocketBase is easily extensible with GoLang, which happens to be my language of choice (sorry JavaScript/TypeScript fans!).
The switch from Supabase to PocketBase was smooth sailing, and deployment was a breeze.

GoCardless Integration: Promising First Steps
Finally, I've been looking into the GoCardless Data API for a potential paid feature: automatic bank transaction import. I've got a basic integration working that imports transactions from my own accounts.
So far, it looks promising, but the level of detail provided by different banks varies. More research is needed to see if this is the final solution.
Stay Tuned!
If you missed the initial app announcement, you can check it out here:
What do you think?
Have any questions about the app's development or features? Let me know in the comments!
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